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Human disruption - Opportunities and Risk in Transformation Management

Moderated by: Michael Reber

Dr. Franca Burkhardt

Bandy Analytics
Mentor / Coach / CEO

In a world that is changing faster than ever before, the success of your business and its transformation is directly linked to your ability to adapt, innovate and most importantly, lead your teams through these changes. The key to sustainable success and overcoming tomorrow's challenges lies not just in technologies or strategies, but in the people who drive them.

We invite you to be part of our exclusive Human Disruption course. This program is specifically designed to empower leaders and teams to not only identify the biggest risks in organizational culture and transformation management, but to turn them into significant opportunities for growth and innovation.

In this seminar you can expect:

  • Insights into the dynamics of human development within organizations and the challenges in transformation management.
  • Practical tools and interventions that you can apply directly to your day-to-day leadership to effectively manage positive change.
  • Strategies to turn risks into opportunities that create a sustainable advantage for your organization.

Use this opportunity to not only actively shape the future of your organization, but also to foster a culture of innovation, adaptability, and sustainable success. Be the change leader that makes the difference in these turbulent times.

Human disruption - Opportunities and Risk in Transformation Management

Dr. Franca Burkhardt

Bandy Analytics
Mentor / Coach / CEO

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