Past Events
Digital Industries World e.V. Siemens AG
Digital Industries World e.V. Siemens AG
Human disruption - Opportunities and Risk in Transformation Management
Bandy Analytics GmbH
Digital Industries World e.V. Siemens AG
Nachhaltigkeit in Produkten, Services und Technologie - Überblick, Chancen und Risiken, Fokus
Beceptum International GmbH
Digital Industries World e.V. Siemens AG
Head of Interest Group Finance & Insurance
Digital Industries World e.V.
Innovating Innovators
Industrial Digital Tech Trendradar - Setup (Sichtung, Ziele, Suchfeld) AP1
Trend One
Trend One
Managing Director
Jagenberg Digital Solutions
Monetarisierung digitaler Lösungen - was sagt die Wissenschaft / VDMA Papier
Jagenberg Digital Solutions
Maxsult GmbH
Digital Industries World e.V. Siemens AG
Nachhaltigkeit im Finanzbereich - Chancen und Risiken für Unternehmen, Lösungen, Fokusauswahl
Beceptum International GmbH
Digital Industries World e.V. Siemens AG
Digital Industries World e.V.
On Stage Hannover Messe 2023 - How sustainability shapes the future of process industries
Get to know CHG
CHG Meridian is the leading international technology manager and financing expert in the IT, industrial, and healthcare technology sectors.
The company finances and manages international technology projects in a holistic, digital, and sustainable manner. Acting independently of banks and manufacturers, CHG supplies the necessary assets to their customers, which include large corporations and medium-sized enterprises, hospitals, and the public sector.
Customer First Week by Siemens Financial Services
Grow your business with ecosystem partnerships
- drive digital transformation together with our customers
REVIEW: umati meets MindSphere [World] Hackathon 2022
As part of the SPS in Nuremberg, there was a review of our very successful hackathon by our Technology Committee in September 2022 at the Grob Werke in Mindelheim.
On Stage:
Dr. Donatus Weber, Director Digital Services, Kampf Schneid- und Wickeltechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Andreas Faath, Managing Director Machine Information Interoperability Department (MII), VDMA
Ulf Könekamp, Chairman, Digital Industries World
4. Financial Summit 2022 - Pay4Outcome – Equipment as a Service
- The future of asset finance - managing sustainably and increasing efficiency with IoT
- Equipment as a service - from risk to a suitable business approach
- Go2Market - from the customer journey to the usage-based model
Intelligent Energy Management – The “How”
Climate change and sustainability are top priority issues. We need to reduce CO2 emissions, cut energy and water consumption, and minimize waste.
Especially energy consumption is a major cost factor for all manufacturing companies. It offers opportunities to optimize processes and implement sustainable solutions. The aim is to develop sustainable business cases that pay for themselves. Digital solutions leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) to transform energy management and drive sustainable processes in enterprise networks.
- What do sustainable business models look like that fulfil economic and ecological goals in equal measure?
- How is sustainable energy management integrated into the corporate strategy?
- What needs to be done to reduce costs, avoid penalties, prevent energy fluctuations, and sustainably lower CO2 emissions?
- Which technologies are used, and what investment can be expected?
Get to know Nota AI
Edge AI Development & AI Model Optimization
Nota is a tech startup with a focus on AI model optimization and the commercialization of Edge AI technology. Their core product is NetsPresso, a proprietary hardware aware AutoML platform that automates AI model development processes using only datasets.
Digital Hesitation: Why B2B companies aren’t reaching their full digital potential
The Technology & Services Industry Association (TSIA) is a leading research and advisory firm dedicated to helping technology companies achieve profitable growth. With extracts from his latest book, Digital Hesitation (for publication May 2022), Thomas Lah examines why most B2B companies are failing to reach the full potential of their digital transformation efforts and how we should expect that failure will play out across the industry. Thomas provides actionable insights on strategic issues like influencing the board of directors, as well as specific topics across the next generation of operating models.
Innovation Implementation - Workshop 4 - Praktische Umsetzung
Hören Sie einen Impuls von Dr. Franca Burkhardt zu konkreten Tools für Innovationsverantwortliche, einen Praxisvortrag von Christian Endter von HDI TH!NX zum Aufsetzen radikaler Innovation im Unternehmen sowie weitere Erfahrungsberichte aus den Häusern Weinig, Wittenstein und Kampf.
Industry 4.0 Student Contest 2022
Teams of university students from the Politecnico di Milano challenged each other in a competition to design and implement the best Industry 4.0 application:
Team one:
Bottleneck project manager is an IoT solution for monitoring automatic multi-station lines and helping operators to intervene promptly in solving problems with the best corrective action. It also provides suggestions on how to reconfigure the line to increase its capacity and make it less sensitive to unexpected events.
Team two:
MindSafety App increases the occupational safety of operators and ensures that the correct ergonomic rules are applied. The solution detects the movements of workers who are subjected to demanding tasks or who are at risk of long-term damage. MindSphere analyzes the workload over time and informs in case of increased risk.
Innovation Implementation - Workshop 3 - Kulturelle Hürden identifizieren und überwinden
Warum Innovation einen Organizational Change auslösen kann?
Was kann diesen auslösen und was bedeutet dies für die Organisation?
In welcher Hinsicht müssen Innovationsexperten OCM Kompetenzen haben, was können sie effektiv tun und wo brauchen sie Unterstützung?
IoT enabled premium services by GEA / codestryke
GEA PerformancePlus: premium services way beyond routine preventive maintenance
GEA offers an extended range of services for its Performance Plus customers. By combining modern condition monitoring technologies with its industry expertise, GEA provides its customers monitoring services, comprehensive analysis reports and reliable optimization recommendations. In turn, GEA customers receive valuable information to make business decisions easier and address challenges they face to achieve their specific performance-related goals. In the current step, GEA connected with its partner Codestryke between 100 and 150 customer plants (separators) to MindSphere.
Innovation Implementation - Workshop 2 - Agile Innovationsprozesse und die Aufgabe von StartUps
Innovation im klassischen Produktumfeld ist für die meisten technologiegetriebenen Unternehmen Teil ihrer DNA. Um im Wettbewerb zu bestehen, müssen sich im Kontext der digitalen Transformation Innovationsprozesse deutlich wandeln, beschleunigen und nachhaltig implementiert werden.
Mehrwert durch innovative Applikationen für Werker:innen
Akzeptanz unter Werkern und Kollegen?
- Breites Schulungsangebot
- Schnelle Problemlösungskompetenz
- Key-User Struktur pro Applikation
- Werkeranforderungen
- Qualitätswesen: CAQ-System
- Produktion: DWI
- Aktionsplanmanagement
- Workflows allgemein
IoT enabled premium services by Siemens SITRANS SCM IQ
SITRANS SCM IQ – Smart Condition Monitoring with IIoT Sensors
Empowered by robust, wireless multi-sensors, the new Siemens app SITRANS SCM IQ monitors the condition of your plant's mechanical components, like pumps, compressors or gearboxes at any time. The anomaly detection – based on machine learning – is built right into the system. It is designed to constantly monitor and analyze all sensor values and deviations from the normal operating state before sending them to your maintenance personnel. The solution detects impending equipment failures, enables predictive maintenance, and helps you prevent plant downtime.